In our quest to determine the best truck-trailer combo for our needs, I couldn't find a calculator that did exactly what I wanted. Hauling trailers is MUCH more complex than I ever imagined, and even the manufacturers present information differently.
One of the best videos I've found to explain these concepts has been Keep Your Daydream, with a helpful downloadable Excel spreadsheet that saved me a lot of headaches and hassles. seeks to build on tools like these by offering a mobile-friendly option that's accessible while you're RV or truck shopping.
I intend to update this tool as I learn more (about coding AND towing!), and ultimately I hope to host a database where users can upload information to share with others and access during future visits. Right now, the process of inputting so many numbers is admittedly a bit tedious.
If you found this tool useful, you can buy me a coffee, or shop through my affiliate link on Amazon or Target. (Using an affiliate link does not increase the cost of items you buy, but I receive a small commission for directing traffic to Amazon. It's anonymous and a simple and passive way to support me by doing something you were going to do anyway. Thank you!)